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A Workshop Series

Soul-Alignment to me is about living in integrity with who we are, at our core. 

It is knowing who we are and anchoring in our truth.

Finding Soul-Alignment requires us to create space and time to sit in stillness.

To engage in the physical body, the breath and the spirit. 

Practises and processes that assist us in creating space and tuning inward help us align to the authentic essence of who we are, our soul, in all facets of life. 

Knowing this truth so viscerally I would like to share my practises with you so that you too can live Soul-Aligned. 


This workshop series will consist of six 90 minute workshops over the course of 3 months.

I have created the series as an entire process. One session is designed to lead into the next, and be built on, so you will get so much more clarity, grounding and ignition from committing to all 6 sessions.

However, you are welcome to drop in to each workshop if you can not commit to all six sessions. 

Within each session there is a yoga practice, and prompted writing and activities to hone into the theme. 

These sessions will take place ONLINE via Zoom.

Recordings will be made available.


Sunday's alternating between 10-11.30am & 3-4.30pm

October 1st, 15th & 29th

November 12th & 26th

December 3rd



ARRIVING (Oct 1st - 10-11.30am)

It may sound like a simple task but it does take time to unwind from the act of DOING and lean into BEING. 

Here we use our breath as an anchor point.  When we get swept up in our worries, our stories, or sense of needing to be somewhere else, we return to the breath, each time more promptly, with less judgement, more patience, love and kindness. 


BELONGING (Oct 15th - 3-4.30pm)

“The only way to feel comfortable in our skin is to remember ourselves.” - Marianne Williamson

We tend to reach outside of ourselves for success, acceptance, and a sense of belonging.  We also invest a lot of energy in living alongside values that don’t align with the way we want to live our lives. Within this hustle we are left feeling even more disconnected from ourselves, and therefore others. 

Belonging is a practice of continually coming back to ones self, to ones own values, and to reignite ourselves from the inside out. 


HONOURING (Oct 29th - 10-11.30am)

Here we take a moment to acknowledge what is most important to us in this season of our lives. It is where we begin to deconstruct old beliefs and stories about what makes us strong and sucessful.  It is where we begin to align with what is truly important to us, while releasing the expectations of outside sources. Here we dig into our values, and come out at the other end with more clarity and alignment. 


TRUSTING (Nov 12th - 3-4.30pm)

Looking back over your life, at all the challenges and the gifts, can you see that it has lead you to where you are now? Can you trust in your voice, in your truth, in what your body is communicating with you? Can you trust the daily process knowing that you can do hard things, and no matter what find your way back home?  Can you lean in regardless of not yet knowing the answers? 


RISING (Nov 26th - 10-11.30am)

We have explored our anchor points and have begun to remember ourselves and what is important to us in this season of our lives. We are practising trust and are learning to lean into our deeper well of knowledge. 

From here we gather our more refined insights and sharper tools as we begin to Rise and take up space. 

Breathing deeper, feeling fully, following the ‘hell yes’s”, and Being unapologetically you.


CONNECTING (Dec 3rd - 3-4.30pm)

This is where we bring everything together, and begin to embody our insights, values, and practices. We begin to build the practical skills to support, nourish, and inspire ourselves, and from that build a firm foundation to grow and expand from. 

Connecting with our own values, and the stuff that grounds, supports and inspires us makes us more resourceful and able to show up for others, without everyone else needing to be ok first. 



Investment: £40 a session 

                           £200 for the full series of 6 sessions


To Book CLICK HERE or contact via

If you would like to hear from me on a regular basis and be kept in the link please fill in your info below.

© 2024 Kristi Mae Rodelli

• Photos taken by Siobhan Watts 

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